
Archive for May 11, 2010


BloodMoney is a documentary film that exposes the truth behind the Abortion Industry from the Pro Life perspective.

This film will examine the history of abortion in America, from the inception of Planned Parenthood and the profitability of abortion clinics, to Roe v. Wade, to the denial of when life begins, to the fight to save the lives of innocent babies, and the devastating effects it has had on the women that have had them.

Abortion is a business that depends on the total exploitation of women and the unborn.

Watch the trailer. The film features former doctors and nurses in the abortion business. Powerful. Shameful.

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Children in the Image of God

A recent study tells us that babies know the difference between good and evil at six months. Many people find this interesting because it challenges the long-held assumption that children are born as ‘blank slates,’ with their morality waiting to be formed by parents, experience, and society.

According to the author of the study, “A growing body of evidence suggests that humans do have a rudimentary moral sense from the very start of life.” It appears, in other words, that the ability to distinguish between good and evil is hardwired at birth.

This study, while interesting, does not reveal anything essentially new. It simply has observed and measured what’s been true from the beginning. All people born in this world come with an awareness of right and wrong written on their hearts.

Why is this so? Because every human being is made in the image of God.

Being made in the image – or likeness – of God means various things. One of which is that babies are born with a certain moral understanding, whereby they are able to discern between right and wrong from the very beginning of their lives.

This ability, of course, is imperfect, for a couple of reasons.

One reason is that babies are born into this world with the fallen nature of their father, Adam. So, even though children come into this world in God’s image and bear a moral compass, that compass has been made defective by sin. The other reason that babies cannot discern perfectly between right and wrong is that they need opportunities to learn and mature.

How we understand the moral nature of children has significant implications for how we approach them.
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